What is subsidence and why we worry about it

This article provides a general introduction to a broad topic, what is subsidence, while subsequent articles will look into more technical aspects. It aims to familiarise the average person with the concept, explaining what it is, where it commonly occurs,…

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When does a minor plaster crack become a serious structural issue

In our first article on cracks, we discussed in detail what is a crack and why we worry about them. In this second article Simon Pole BSc C Eng FIStructE MICE MRICS MAE of SERL Pole Structural Engineers Reports, a…

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All you need to know about the types of cracks in residential property

Simon Pole BSc C Eng FIStructE MICE MRICS MAE of SERL Pole Structural Engineers Reports has been inspecting and reporting on residential building defects in London and the surrounding area, including cracks in residential property for more than 40 years….

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Settlement and subsidence: what you need to know

Settlement and subsidence are terms that are often misunderstood. Both terms describe the downward movement of a building, resulting in cracks, but there are important differences, with varying outcomes. It’s important to be able to distinguish between settlement and subsidence…

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Do I need a surveyor or a structural engineer?

The process of selecting the appropriate property professional is confusing to both the public and many lenders and insurers. Unlike the term ‘Architect’ which is protected in law, the terms ‘Surveyor’ and ‘Engineer’ are not and can, unfortunately, be used…

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Different Structural Engineers’ Reports and which type do you need?

Structural Engineers’ Reports inspect the structural condition of a property. At Pole Structural Engineers, we offer two types of structural reports to meet the different needs of our clients, lenders, and general surveyors. A Structural Engineer’s report is more specialised…

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