Subsidence risks for properties in London

This article aims to inform the public and should not replace the advice of a Chartered Structural Engineer or Geotechnical Engineer. When purchasing a property in Greater London, contacting the Local Authority as part of your searches will provide guidance…

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Finding the right chartered structural engineer

There are many occasions when the services of a chartered structural engineer may be required. These can broadly be put into two distinct categories: A) Consultancy advisory reporting advice B) Design advice – calculations and drawings. This article focuses on…

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Linkedin Quiz Question 3 Monday 4th November 2023

The question posed Why do we all find much more movement and cracking specifically within the rear addition/projection compared to the front elevation, when considering mid terraced Victorian houses in London. Any discrepancy between the amount of trees to front…

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A guide to diagnosing cracks in low level garden walls

This article is part of a series aimed at engaging with surveyors who deal with cracks and defects in residential properties. While many of us are familiar with diagnosing and reporting on these issues, the engineering reasoning behind our conclusions…

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When does a minor plaster crack become a serious structural issue

In our first article on cracks, we discussed in detail what is a crack and why we worry about them. In this second article Simon Pole BSc C Eng FIStructE MICE MRICS MAE of SERL Pole Structural Engineers Reports, a…

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Different Structural Engineers’ Reports and which type do you need?

Structural Engineers’ Reports inspect the structural condition of a property. At Pole Structural Engineers, we offer two types of structural reports to meet the different needs of our clients, lenders, and general surveyors. A Structural Engineer’s report is more specialised…

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